Tips for writing a postcard

  1. Keep your note simple. Sometimes the simplest messages convey the deepest meaning and sentiment.
  2. Recognize that refugees come from a variety of religious backgrounds. Verses from texts like the Bible may not apply to their faith traditions.
  3. Avoid phrases like “Welcome to America.” The child receiving your card is studying at a JRS school which is most likely not in your country. They are delivered to all over the world so you wouldn’t know their location as you write your postcard.
  4. Feel free to bundle cards in a package. You do not need to pay for postage on every card.

As of Feb 2022, please note that JRS USA is not currently sending out missions to Ukraine. If you wish to write postcards to Ukrainian refugees, contact JRS Europe


Would you like William Scannell or someone from Jesuit Refugee Service to speak to your school or group about refugees and what you can do to help? Write us!


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A Project of the Jesuit Refugee Service/USA